Free Power, Comfort, and Efficiency Through Aftermarket Cycling Footbe – Urban Pedaler Skip to content
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Free Power, Comfort, and Efficiency Through Aftermarket Cycling Footbeds

Footbeds and aftermarket arch supports, when properly fitted, can make a huge difference in power transmission through the pedals, but also can help prevent injury and add greater comfort. Some benefits of having a set professionally set up in your shoes are reducing or eliminating hotfoot and numbing, gaining better hip-knee-foot alignment, reducing the chance of overuse injuries, and reducing stress on unnecessary muscle groups in the hips & legs.

Some points about these little wonders that are worthwhile to know:

  1. Most shoe brands and models come with woefully inadequate arch support inside the shoe and require a proper-fitting footbed to take it to the next level.
  2. We fit and sell inexpensive-but-very-effective aftermarket arch supports with almost EVERY shoe we sell, and it’s a very big part of bike fitting – getting your feet right.
  3. Properly supporting your arch in the shoe keeps the arch from collapsing when pressure is applied at the top of each pedal stroke, which kinetically causes the knee to turn inwards toward the top tube, causing a loop instead of a piston stroke.
  4. Your legs WANT TO PUSH STRAIGHT, so supporting muscles in the sides of the leg struggle to support the arch from collapsing, burning extra energy, wasting part of your effort.
  5. Better arch support also takes pressure off the ball of the foot, which can help with tingling and numbness in the feet by spreading the pressure around.
  6. Cycling arch supports are different than walking or running supports and orthotics. When walking, the foot bends, therefore most orthotics have to be either super flexible and stretchy, or they cup the heel and only come forward to the front portion of the arch - then stop. The foot stays planked/solid during a pedal stroke, therefore the arch support can be full length, and more firm, even include extra features like a prominent metatarsal button for additional comfort and circulation.
  7. If you buy footbeds from us, we will fit them for no charge. No way you can get that kind of service and expertise online.

I can’t ride in new shoes without first setting up my high arch supports and a few other small adjustments that I learned in my Bike Fit almost 17 years ago. I also have a minor LLD (leg length discrepancy) and different forefoot varus form left to right, so having a professional bike fitter who is versed in these common issues can help take your shoes to an even higher level of comfort and support. This equals more power, and more power = more speed. For others, knowing that they are preventing a future overuse injury by having a proper setup can also be a big motivating factor.

Stop into our shop with your shoes, and for around $65 one of us can measure and fit your shoes with a great set of FLR or Shimano footbeds. 



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